By Manzar Bilal,,
The empowerment of a woman leads to empowerment of entire family. But unfortunately women have always been neglected lot in every field of life. They have been generally kept out of development in the country. A survey reveals Gujjar women in Jammu and Kashmir are among the most backward and discriminated women in the country.
Compared to women of other communities, a worse picture of J&K Gujjar women has recently come to light as more than 1.4 million Gujjar women are facing utter gender discriminations in socio-political and government organizations in J&K. Since Independence, their presence in all major institutions in the state, is almost negligible, says a survey conducted by Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation – a national organization working on Indian tribes with special focus on Gujjars.

The national secretary of the Foundation Dr. Javed Rahi while releasing the survey claimed that early marriage system, illiteracy, extreme poverty, and nomadic way of life are causing dark shadows over the future of Gujjar women who constitute more than 14% of total population of J&K. They are residing in the most backward, hilly and border areas of the state. According to Census 2001, the state population is 10, 143, 700.
The survey revealed that although the state government has declared 10% reservation to Gujjars since 1991 under Scheduled Tribe category, but it is surprising that the presence of women folk of this tribe in political and government organizations is almost zero. One of the root reasons is that they are not aware of the schemes launched by the government for their education and social uplift as they live in far-flung areas.
According to the survey which covers the overall development of Gujjar women, since 1947 no Gujjar woman has either been elected or nominated as member of state Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council or Parliament till the date.
It should be noted that during last sixty-two years only three women from this community have cleared the Combine Service Examination. No women from Gujjar tribe has served as under Secretary or above rank in J&K Civil Secretariat since its establishment, and none of them have become Sub Divisional Magistrate or above in state administration.
The situation of J&K police department is worst for women as among 390 DSPs, 163 SPs/SSPs, 2l DIGs and 19 IGs/ADGs/ DGs there has never been a Gujjar woman in the last 62 year after Independence, the survey revealed.
Moreover, in the state judiciary there are 85 Munsifs, 56 Sub Judges 67 District and Sessions Judges and 14 High Court Judges while only one woman from Gujjar community has served as Sessions Judge, the survey says.
The survey also threw light on the presence of Gujjar women in the banking sector. In J&K Bank, there are 3352 officer ranking staff members from Probationary Officers/Managers to the Chairman of the Bank. No woman from Gujjar tribe has yet become as PO or above in this institution since its establishment.
The survey further reveals that there are 303 teachers in the University of Jammu and 364 in Kashmir University. They include lecturers, readers and professors. No single Gujjar woman has been appointed as teacher to either of the universities since their establishment.
The most surprising revelation is that the only government department working for Gujjar affairs in Civil Secretariat is the State Advisory Board for the Development of Gujjars and Bakerwals. The Board has 16 staff members from Chairman to orderly and no Gujjar woman has ever been on the board.