Rahmani30 will herald a new thinking in Muslims: Wali Rahmani

By TwoCircles.net news desk,

Patna: Maulana Wali Rahmani, sajjada-nashin of Khanqah Rahmania of Munger has setup Rahmani30 on the pattern of Super30 to coach Muslim students to succeed in competitive exams. Students selected for Rahmani30 are given coaching free of cost.

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Q: what should be the first priority of the Muslim agenda?

A: Standard education is very important. Knowledge of every subject should be standard and with the strength of faith. Faith and righteous deed are the basic identity of Muslim community and knowledge is the first identity. Therefore, to get the education which empowers our basic identity is obligatory upon every one then to get, all other educations are admirable. So, the first thing of our agendas should be education.

Q: You have taken a historical step to establish coaching centre for the success of new generation in IIT, what are your expectations?

A: Wait for two months. Their test would be on 12th April and result will come out in the end of May. Without any doubt, Abhiyanand ji (founder of Super30) has made efforts and spent much time for that and other teachers have also worked hard. We should pray for the success of this whole batch because new generation is looking at this very batch and according to result they will be inspired.

Q: Who helped you in this regard?

A: Without Abhiyanand ji Rahmani 30 can not be imagined. His activeness, his qualification and emotion helped very much and also other teachers gave their times. For that I am thankful to all of them. Justice Sarwar Ali, Mashhadi saheb and Justice Ali Ahmad encouraged me by giving the building of their trust for this purpose without rent. May Allah grant them better substitute.

Q: what have been your own experiences?

A: The most important experience is that the education which is being given in our educational centers is very weak. The students, who are going ahead, are memorizing and getting marks. They have control on words but not on knowledge while knowledge is a process of thinking not merely memorization..

Q: What would be the next step?

A: We are going to hold entrance test for 10th class students on 5th April at 23 centers in Bihar. The required information is being given by posters and pamphlets. This test would be only for 10th class student. If some students miss this test because of any actual reason then they also would be given chance at various centers of Patna city later. Then the names of selected students will be announced by newspapers. Then on a fixed date final selection would be held at Patna and classes will start from May.

Q: Is the test for 12th class students also would be there like last year?

A: The entrance test for 12th class students would be in the first week of the June and their classes would start in the end of June.

Q: Do you think that this initiative will benefit the whole state?

A: Of course this step gave new thinking to the new generation. They started to understand that if they study with eagerness, hard effort and understanding, people to help them for going ahead are also available. They started to think that a system is created in which they can fit. Thus the door of educational development will open for them.

Q: will it help this state to get educational development as a whole?

A: This is an attempt and an experience. I have some more schemes in this regard. If my condition allows, some more steps will be taken. Otherwise other people should also come in the field and take part in that. We have a plan to hold a workshop of the teachers of physics, chemistry and math from selected schools in the state and after discussion an environment would be created that what and how should these subjects be taught. In this way, the knowledge of teachers can benefit the students effectively.

Q: Did you get any assistance from government in this regard?

A: We did not seek any assistance from the government and it also did not put any barrier in our way. Yes, it is a fact that we sought government’s help for another purpose but the officials did not allow us to do so. Rahmani Foundation planned to prepare Muslim students for Railway and SSC examinations and selected almost 100 students. But we did not find place for their lodging so we requested to give for this propose Maulana Minnatullah Rahmani Minority Hostel, Munger which is vacant for the last five years but so far we did not receive answer. Government officials have their own styles I do not know how to please them.

