A global celebration of mercy

By TCN News

Boston: Prophet Mohammed was sent as mercy to the mankind. A global celebration is planned to mark the occasion of his birth day as a celebration of mercy. This unique event will be webcasted all over the world.

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According to the organizers, the Prophet Mohammed’s entire life was spend in the liberation of others. “He liberated people from misguidance, oppression, and greed. Even on his deathbed, his last words were, “Treat your women well, and do not oppress your servants…O God, my highest companion, O highest companion.” The world needs a deeper understanding of this man – his gentleness toward children, his love of animals, his concern for the weak and oppressed, and his sense of justice always tempered with mercy. He taught us that forbearance is greater than revenge; forgiveness more lofty than punishment; and compassion more effective than austerity. Above all, he taught us mercy. And in these difficult times, we are all in need of more mercy in the world.” Hence they plan to celebrate Prophet Muhammad by celebrating mercy.

Some famous scholars and performers will join the event including Yusuf Islam, Hamza Yusuf, Sami Yusuf, Zaik Shakir, Sayed Hassan Qazwini, Dalia Mogahed among others. The event will be broadcast online which in India will correspond to Friday, February 26 at 7:30AM. Organizers are also calling people to join the event by hosting the webcast in their areas.

