Mumbai : The special court conducting the trial in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks Monday appointed Saba Qureshi, the assistant to Shahid Azmi, as the new lawyer for 26/11 co-accused Fahim Ansari.
Special Judge M.L. Tahilyani also rejected Ansari’s plea for bail as he wanted to search for a new lawyer after Azmi, his previous lawyer, was shot dead in his Kurla office Feb 11.
In his bail plea filed last week, Ansari had claimed, among other things, that Azmi was threatened by police to withdraw from the case.
The state government will provide adequate security to Qureshi, who was injured when unidentified gunmen shot Azmi dead in his office.
Meanwhile, another co-accused Sabahuddin Mohammed’s lawyer Ejaz Naqvi moved an application seeking permission to summon filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt’s son, Rahul who had met David Headley, a Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) functionary currently in the custody of the US authorities.
In his application, Naqvi also sought to summon Vilas Parab (who used to work as a gym trainer), officials of the National Investigation Agency and the Gujarat police.