New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Thursday moved the Supreme Court saying that free and fair trial in the Sohrabuddin Shah staged shootout case was not possible in Gujarat and the case should be transferred to Mumbai.
The final report of the CBI submitted to the apex court in a sealed envelop said that one of the witnesses, Azam Khan was abducted by the Gujarat Police and was forced to retract his statement in the case.
It has named the Anti Terrorism Squad Superintendent Police G.L. Singla for trying to derail the investigation.
The report also said that the Sabarmati Jail where former minister Amit Shah was lodged was being used as a place where he could freely operate and his relatives and Gujarat Police officers were visiting him.
The bench was headed by Justice Aftab Alam and also had Justice Aram Lodha. They posted the matter for further hearing Dec 9.
Sohrabuddin Sheikh was gunned down Nov 26, 2005 and his wife died in mysterious circumstances a few days later.
Shah, the state’s former minister of state for home, was arrested by the CBI July 25 for his alleged involvement in the killing. He was granted bail by the high court Oct 29 on his executing a personal bond of Rs.1 lakh along with a surety of like amount. The CBI has sought cancellation of his bail.