By Mohd. Ismail Khan,,
Hyderabad: There seems no sigh of relief for Hyderabadis as communal mischievous incidents are taking place in the city. The latest is desecration of four mosques in two days causing tension. However, people have remained peaceful. Police patrolling has been further increased.
Four mosques in the city have been targeted by unidentified miscreants. Masjid-e-Azeemia in Narayanguda area of the city became the first target when pork was thrown on the roof of the mosque by unidentified bikers. In a similar incident Masjid-e-Thagi Jail became the next target when in similar fashion pork was thrown on its main gate at the time of Namaz-e-Fajr two days back.

The Moazzin of Thagi Jail mosque Mohd Mateen told TCN, “When I woke up at 4:45 a.m. I found head of the pig on the veranda of the mosque and its leg with tail on the main gate, police immediately reached the spot and took away those animal parts, and the local Namazis had to wash the whole mosque before the prayer.”
This was first such incident in the area. Mohd Sajid who runs a beef shop near the mosque said that he has been living in this locality for 30 years and never such kind of incident had happened.
These incidents led to rumors and tensions in the adjoining localities. Local Muslims protested on the streets against the desecration of the mosques.
Even as police were trying to pacify Muslims and those incidents were still hot in rumor market the very next day two more mosques were subjected to desecration. In Kachiguda Masjid-e-Noor Alam became the target of same old fashion pork attack. And in Bilal Masjid of Bahadurpura miscreants went a step ahead and threw a dead dog in the mosque.

Secretary of Masjid-e-Noor Alam told TCN, “At broad daylight nearly at 11:30 a.m. some miscreants threw half body of pig in the back side stairs of the mosque, they might have climbed from the back side wall.” He even said, “Muslims and Hindus in this locality have really good relations. I have been living here for 50 years but there has never been such kind of vulgar incident. Some people from outside are doing this kind of acts to destroy communal harmony in this locality.”
These incidents have kept the whole city on its nerve. In the view of above incidents police have intensified patrolling, and forcing business establishments to close down even before the evening. Police have also issued prohibitory orders on double riding on two wheeler bikes between 11: p.m. to 6: a.m. Anti- naxal operation group Grey Hound police are being deployed in the old city area.
Meanwhile curfew has been relaxed for five hours 11: a.m. to 4: p.m. from yesterday in Madanapet and Saidabad area, but there is no word from the police on total lifting of curfew.

Till now no major progress has been made by the police to arrest those persons responsible for the violence on Sunday in the city. However, Special Investigation Team formed to nab the culprits has arrested 7 persons in connection with the violence, 6 of them are from the minority community even as general people hold right wing Hindu groups responsible for the incident.