Tracing composite culture of India

Dr. Jai Ram Singh,

The division of Indian History into Hindu period, Muslim period and British period (not the Christian Period!) or as that of Ancient Period , Mediaeval Period and Modern Period has been attracting prolonged debates since long .The terminology of such nomenclature not only gives a feel of discontinuity in Indian History but also sounds as if it has been a history of alien people or civilizations descended from asteroids .

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Imperialist historians had vested interests in penning down the history of India, and afterwards the nationalist historians could not resist the temptation of becoming reactionary in their writings to some extent. Leftist historians politically tried to reap the benefits out of diverse streams to establish their materialistic ideas in a land where the society was gradually becoming sick of sectarian religious thoughts. The outcome was an environment in which consciously or unconsciously history was reduced to a tool; being used for raising interests of one group or for demolishing interests of the other group. History became a weapon, sometimes double-edged, which when treated was bound to cut or injure the sentiments of this side or that side, and sometimes both the sides.

Politicians started using History by misrepresenting or distorting the facts to establish their points. Impartial writing of History, thus, became redundant; as one who was interested in writing History was not impartial, and one who was impartial was not interested.

So, our country during the last six and a-half decades had to pass through a period of crisis of faith and belief in its own History. ‘Love this’ and ‘hate that’ or ‘Left is right’ or ‘Right is wrong’ or vice-versa spirit of Indian History writing marred the real spirit of History; and the fundamental knowledge remained jaundiced bereft of new branches and dimensions of macro-micro social relevance .

History in Independent India has been parading in Left and Right wings, both adamant to make use of it for establishing their own view-points of interest. This, in fact, has been the biggest agony of History during the last seven decades in India.

Sajhi Virasat : Sajha Samkalp ( Sagar Trust , Varanasi , Aug. 2011,) edited by Ram Puniyani , former Professor , IIT , Mumbai , and Dr. Mohammad Arif , Chairman , Centre for Harmony and Peace , is only a 75-page booklet containing the valuable research articles of eight scholars on different aspects of history, religion, culture, peaceful co-existence and legacy of Indian history during the “AGE OF HARMONY , 8th Century – 19th Century.”

Authors have brought forward new facts lesser known till date which dazzles our knowledge of history of the period. They have demolished the general feel that history is a weapon for the politicians and the vested interests, and have successfully established that, if taken in true broader aspect, history can be the mightiest bond of peaceful co-existence, a strong inspiration for humanity’s moral and material development, a unique lesson for creating tolerance and patience among citizen, a builder of national character and love.

I wish the contents of this precious publication are made available to English educated students also. The book has immense scope to expand its horizon. It may be a basis for rewriting history in wide public interest. It can set some important standards history stands for.

Scripts and language awareness is must for reading and writing of History of respective periods. The study and research in the history of the ‘Period of Harmony’ requires basic knowledge of Persian. Unfortunately our university and college students of history are not capable to reach to original documents of the period due to lack of knowledge of Persian. They derive their conclusions on secondary and tertiary sources in Hindi or English. This not only hampers the true spirit and confidence of a researcher, but also makes him feel guilty. Hence, he is reduced to a simple listener in conferences and seminars. On the other side, their neutrality unconsciously provides chance to non-serious persons to define, distort, and misrepresent History in their own interest. I, therefore, appeal to students and scholars of history to become serious about the knowledge of History and not to allow it to become a toy or tool in the hands of novice.

The findings of these research pieces are glaring and deserve to be imparted to young minds, so that a strong independent India free of menial feelings of caste, class and creed etc. comes out adopting love and respect for the Nation. Such lessons of history can not only fight with but can also eliminate the curse of terrorism, Naxalism , communalism etc once forever.

One hopes that an expanded version, with clear references is brought out soon.

(Dr. Jai Ram Singh is the Principal, Government Degree College, Palahipatti, Varanasi and can be contacted at [email protected])