By Mohd Ismail Khan,,
Hyderabad: Undeterred by successive defeats a middle aged doctor comes down to rustic political fight in every five years to keep opposition ignited against Akbaruddin Owaisi in his own political turf of Chandrayangutta assembly segment.
Dr. Khayam Khan, a medical practitioner by profession is the president of Majlis Bachao Tehreek (Save Majlis Movement) formed in 1993 by his father and former MIM stalwart Amanullah Khan. Second in command of Majlis-e-Itehadul Muslimeen under Sultan Salahuddin Owaisi’s leadership, Amanullah Khan rebelled against the party alleging weak stand over Babri Masjid demolition issue.

Since decades Chandrayangutta constituency has been the nerve point of Muslim politics in Hyderabad. Amanullah Khan represented it for five consecutive terms since 1978 to 1993 as MIM assembly floor leader and 1994 till 1999 as MBT president.
To every ones shocker in 1999 a young Akbaruddin Owaisi defeated the mighty Amanullah Khan in a direct two way contest with a margin of nearly 12,000 votes. Since then MBT is fighting tooth and nail to wrestle back Chandrayangutta into its fold.
Two years after death of his father Dr. Khayam Khan took the responsibility of Chandrayangutta, in 2004 Mr. Khan scored 46,569 votes getting defeated to AKbaruddin Owaisi with a margin of 11,944 votes. In 2009 MBT leader again contested against MIM floor leader but this time got 30,315 votes while Akbaruddin Owaisi won getting 45,492 votes.
Dr. Khayam Khan a MBBS graduate from Kashmir University who runs a clinic in Babanagar locality of Chandrayangutta constituency is again locking horns with Akbaruddin Owaisi this time with much more intensity.
Draped in his traditional Sherwani and Karakul hat ‘doctor saab’ as he is popularly known is planning ‘Padyatras’ and public meetings sitting at his Eidi Bazar election office. “In old city no other party except MIM and MBT can have their base,” Khayam Khan said boosting on his office and cadre in MIM’s den.
Even though Akbaruddin Owaisi after his rabble rousing speeches is all time high at popularity charts, but Dr. Khan says this time he has an edge over Mr. Owaisi due to the local factors. The one major local factor he says is the disenchantment of influential Arab Diaspora with MIM “The confrontation between Akabruddin Owaisi and Arabs which led to blood bath on the streets of Barkas and aftermath arrests has angered Arabs, they are supporting me and they will vote for me in one way.”
MBT like every other election is trying to make corruption and accountability a burning issue, “There is no accountability on institutions run under MIM, and community doesn’t have accounts about revenue generated through those institutions. That corruption is becoming a headache and sooner or later will transform into defection of masses from party leadership.”
The single factor Dr. Khan believe responsible for his defeat all this years is ‘Money’. “Money dose play decisive role in old city elections. Elections are the only period when MIM is active. From vehicles to mobiles everything is distributed.”

But if people are fed up with MIM’s corruption as MBT present it, then why people themselves get corrupt to elect MIM again? To which MBT president single word answer is, ‘Poverty’. “Poverty is such a thing that makes man ready to go against the God, than it is just an election.”
Apart from that he also presents different conspiracy theories like of MIM henchmen infiltrating as polling officers and hacking EVMs.
Akabruddin’s charisma thrives on his exceptional oratory skills and was and still is his biggest vote magnet. If one believes Dr. Khayam Khan those oratories has done more loss to Muslims than any good. “If you are leader of Muslims you should do something good for community. He went to Nirmal and gave that hate speech abuse Ram and his mother what good it has done to community. He gave speech and went away, those 10-12 houses of Muslims in scattered villages lived in fear as communal enmity in majority community increased after those speeches.”
“Public has understood this gimmicks, this time they will not fall for just speeches. They will question his development record,” Mr. Khan said while pointing out, “Since past five years he spent 3 ½ years in foreign tours some times for family holidays and sometimes for medication, now you can imagine the concentration he must have been giving to his constituency.”
MBT since past two decades is pointing guns at MIM accusing it of nepotism, a family ruled party, but MBT on the other hand is also being dominated by sons of its founder. When turning the question of nepotism back to MBT president the soft spoke doctor turned incensed, “How explain? It shows you don’t have basic knowledge about us,” he shot back, then continued, “My father was the founder of this party but after his death Adv. Adam Malik became the president and held that post for 12 years and after his death I was elected MBT president.”
“If I wanted I could have become president of the party as Asaduddin Owaisi did after the death of his father,” he added.
He continues the pouring, “When you are speaking about nepotism you should also keep in mind, MIM has assets worth millions from banks to medical colleges. But what does Tehreek has, a broken table and a tin sheeted headquarter. Taking responsibility at MBT is full scarifies.”
Keeping out of power for nearly two decades doesn’t effected the spirit of MBT, and its president still optimistic about the future, “We are hopeful to win atleast two seats in assembly elections and that will bring changes in the state level politics.”
Self-amplifying vitality of his election Dr. Khan said, “Owaisi brothers are not worried about me winning this seat but the consequences after that. If I get to assembly I will obviously demand accountability in dealings in old city. I will question how can he (Akbaruddin Owaisi) wears a 17 lakh watch, drives 50 lakh car and resides in 10 crore bungalow. They are scared of that.”
But in same breath he adds that winning a seat is not necessary criteria to challenge the monopoly of MIM, “We are doing that even without a single seat.”

MBT president reiterates that its aim is not to finish MIM but to save it, “We want to bring back MIM to its founding principles of promoting unity among Muslims and welfare of the community.” And to achieve that task taking over MIM leadership is the only way he said, but adding, “By taking over MIM doesn’t mean we will dominate its leadership.”
MBT claim to have given suggestion for larger community interest he said, “Elect seven member ‘Shoura’ (executive) council of the party let them decide the leadership of the party.” And till that proposal is not accepted Doctor Saab said, “Opposition will continue. We will remain the rebels.”