By Mahmood Asim,,
New Delhi: Renowned Muslim scholar and Padma Shri Prof. Akhtarul Wasey has been appointed as National Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities recently and left the Jamia Millia Islamia after a long period serving it since 1999 to join the Commission.
Prof. Wasey has a long experience as an Honorary Director of Zakir Husain Institute of Islamic studies since 1999, at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Prof. Wasey has a very versatile and dynamic personality among scholars. Born on September 1, 1951, at Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Prof. Wasey received his education in Islamic Studies and Muslim Theology from the Aligarh Muslim University.

Prof. Akhtarul Wasey
Prof. Wasey is recognized as a distinguished academic specializing in multidisciplinary study of Islam and Indian Muslims. He is an able administrator of many institutions concerned with socio-cultural affairs of the Indian Muslims. Currently he is the Vice Chairman of Delhi Urdu Academy; Member of the Executive Board of National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language; and President, India Interfaith Coalition on HIV/AIDS, apart from holding several other positions and assignments.
National Commissioner Lingusitic Minorities was set up under the Article 350B of the constitution in 1957 which has its headquarters in Allahabad along with three regional offices Belgaum (Karnataka), Chennai and Kolkata.
According to data available on the commission website mentions that these linguistic minorities constitute less than 1% and more than 0.09% of the States’s/UTs Population. Being in charge of the commission It is duty of commissioner to investigate all matters relating to safeguards provided for the linguistic minorities and also to present Annual Report to the President through the Minister of Minority Affairs.
Prof. Akhtarul Wasey was appointed as 13th Commissioner of the Commission though his name still not mentioned officially in the website of commission.