By Staff Reporter,
New Delhi: Renowned researcher, writer and Islamic scholar, Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari has been re-elected as Ameer (National President) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind for third consecutive term. Eighty year old Maulana Umari was elected by Jamaat’s 144-member highest body Markazi Majlis-e Numanidgan(House of Representatives). His new term will continue till 2019.
Maulana Jalaluddin Umari is a towering leader of Tahreek-e Islami, renowned author and famous speaker. His famous books on academic subjects have been published in almost all major languages of India and become popular. Those books have also been translated into English, Arabic and Turkish languages.

Maulana Umari is also the Vice President of Indian Muslims’ United and umbrella body All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Founder Member of Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat and holds higher positions in various national and international institutions. Maulana has attended several international conferences. He is Chairman of Idara-e-Tahqueequ-o-Tasneef-e-Islami and Editor of Islamic research journal Tehqeeqat-e-Islami.
Born in 1935 in Village Puttagram in the District of North Arcot, Tamil Nadu Maulana Umari holds Masters in Islamic Studies from Jamia Darussalam Omarabad, and bachelors in in Persian from Madras University. He has another bachelor’s degree in English from the Aligarh Muslim University.
His association with Jamaat began since 1954 although he officially became its member in 1956.
Maulana Omari originally writes in Urdu. However, his books have been translated in various languages. Translations of following books in English are available:
* Islamic Solution to Human Issues
* Ma’roof-o-Munkar
* Inviting to Islam
* Woman and Islam
* Muslim Woman: Role and Responsibilities
* Rights of Muslim Women – A Critique of the Objections
* Social Service in Islam
* Islam and Unity of Mankind
* Of the Weak, Oppressed, and Islamic Shield
* Islam: The Religion of Dawah
* State of Our Community and Nation and Our Responsibilities
* Muslim Women and Economic Enterprise
* Submission to God Glory to man.