By TwoCircles.nets Staff Reporter,
New Delhi: Freelance Journalist Neha Dixit has won the prestigious international Committee of the Red Cross award for her story ‘Shadow Lines’ published in Outlook’s August 4, 2014 issue. She has also been given another award by the Press Institute of India.
The piece covers the chilling accounts of seven rape survivors of the Muzaffarnagar riots and their travails in long for justice. The cases are interestingly still pending in the court of law.

Courtesy: Outlook
The “Shadow Lines” was in fact a follow up to her older story published in December 30, 2013 titled Thread Bared that described in hair-raising details the horror particularly the women belonging to Muslim community had to go through during the September 2013 communal riots in Muzaffarnagar-Shamli.
Dixit started her jounrlaistic career with Tehelka after graduating from AJK Mass Communication Research Centre of Jamia Millia Islamia in Convergent Journalism and was also briefly with TV Today. For last couple of years she has been working independently and contributes articles to several national and international publications.

Courtesy: Outlook
Dixit has won several international and national awards, including Kurt Schork Award in International Journalism 2014; UNFPA-Laadli Media Award for Gender Sensitivity. Best Investigative Feature 2012-13; Thomson Foundation-Foreign Press Association Young Journalist Award 2013; Best TV News reporter, News Television Awards, 2011-2012; Lorenzo Natali Prize for Journalism, 2011, Asia-Pacific Region, etc.
She was also a Fellow for the World Press Institute 2012 to cover the US Presidential election campaign and One World South Asia-Poshan fellowship for 2013 to cover malnutrition.