By Prof. Dr. Rameeza. A. Rasheed for,
If your exposure to Muslim lives is through popular media then you believe that Muslim’s main profession is smuggling. Every beard and skull cap wearing men, particularly youth is at least remotely connected with a terrorist group. Neighbors don’t move closely, with the Muslim families who follow their dress code. It is propagated constantly that, every Madrasa is a breeding ground of violent actions. It is believed that, they don’t teach Islamic principles and general education but, implant principles of vengeance and Jihad (most misunderstood word).
Every Muslim man wearing skull cap and beard is looked at with suspicion not only in Airports and railway stations but also, in their neighborhood. Exchange of gift and mutual greetings during festivals between Muslim and other families is fast declining. Indian Muslims never imagined that, a day would come in India when they would find it difficult to even buy homes in non-Muslim dominated housing societies, find it extremely difficult to get rental homes, get accused of encouraging “Love Jihad,” witness helplessly as their youth getting wrongly arrested and remain in prison as under trials for many years and then released as not guilty without any compensation,(the latest example is the case related to Liaquat Ali Shah) their small traders face denial of bank loans, their students find it difficult to get admission in good schools and colleges run by majority community and to top it all being accused of multiplying their population with a purpose through having 9-10 children each family. What a humiliating and false accusation? It is the India today in which Muslims have to live. The Hindutva forces has been existing India for along time but only now their communal hatred towards minorities is exhibited and articulated boldly. The right minded civil citizens of this great nation knows the reason but, they are mute spectators.

The Indian Muslims are able to bear all these happenings. But they find it extremely difficult to fulfill one expectation from others i.e., every time, a barbaric and destructive activity is performed by Muslim groups such as the Peshawar incident and killings of cartoonists in France, the whole Muslim community is expected to make loud noise condemning such terrorist activities. But the same expectation is not there when Hindu fundamentalists make atrocious communal statements resulting in riots or engage in destructive or terrorist activities and kill Muslims in large numbers.
Do the Hindu friends of India really believe that, the majority of Indian Muslims support, finance, encourage and appreciate the brutal, un-Islamic activities of these fringe groups who form miniscule percentage of the world’s Muslim population? Do they really believe that Islam preaches killing of innocent children and other citizens and assures Paradise for these barbaric, mindless and misdirected persons who happen to bear Muslim names? Do the entire non Muslims of India really believe the stories circulated by extremist Hindus about the fellow Muslims? Why should they have a sarcastic smile when they are told that Allah says, “O mankind? We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full Knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all things).” [Al-Qur’an 49:13]. Often, the religion of Islam is held responsible for the acts of a fringe minority among Muslims. But The Quran says “…if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” [Al-Qur’an 5:32]
Is not this wonderful principle of Islam makes it clear that there is not a single person, race, or nation that is better than others. God created us all equal. In God’s eyes, the best of us are the most righteous and most kind. Terrorism is about murder. Murder is strictly forbidden in Islam. Quran verses 6:151 says, “And do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawful (i.e. murder is forbidden but the death penalty imposed by the state for a crime is permitted).
Of late articles written by columnists appear in major journals and newspapers in which they have questioned, why the moderate and secular minded Muslims have not vociferously condemned the incidents in Peshawar and France, in the way the Hindu secular minded people condemn the destructive statements or activities of the Hindu fundamentalists?
They should understand that such condemnations are not going to change the hearts of the fringe groups in Islam who are a spoiling the peace of the world and discrediting Islam. Have they ever bothered about what the innocent Muslims of the world suffer in the name of control or eradication of terrorist’s activities? Have they ever minded about that the cliché that, “not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a Muslim,” The voices of Indian Muslims can not change the existing scenario in this matter.
Those Indian Muslims who understand the true principles of Islam do not support in any way the terrorist activities. They believe that the laws of each country should deal with them firmly and Allah will deal with them at the appropriate time. They only can pray for protecting the fellow Muslims from getting misguided by destructive groups. To the question why are the Muslim leaders not condemning these acts openly, the answer is, there is a deep leadership vacuum in Indian Muslim community. Hence, there is an inability to make effective statements to convey the crystallized opinion of the community in one voice. Even if some of those who can make public appearances and articulate their condemnation of barbaric acts of the fringe groups are ready to talk, where is the platform for them to raise their voice? Is the media giving space and time to articulate their views on this subject? They are always shouted down in the electronic media and the print media denies them the chance in the name of paucity of space. But their failure to make loud noise is not to be misunderstood that they are supporting terrorist’s activities. How will Indian Muslims support their activities when, in their opinion, they are bad Muslims since, they do not follow Allah’s guidance, they shout, “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great) while engaging themselves in killing or destructive activities? Do they have any regard for the community to which they say they belong to? Who suffer in many ways by their acts? Who are the victims of their acts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan? Is it not true then, that, terrorism knows no religion?
The expectations of the fellow Indians that, all the time the Indian Muslims should prove their patriotism is causing mental agony. Already they are facing the consequences of “Muslim hatred agenda “of certain groups in India. They are worried about the future and status of next generation Muslims in India .They are doubting the possibility of living in this country with solidarity and tolerance towards minorities if, the same political culture dominated by divisive forces continue for few more decades. Muslims never experienced insecure in this sacred country so far, as they experience now. PM Modi at present is talking of inclusive growth and taking a hint from American President’s last speech to a selected audience in Delhi talking about “unity in diversity.” But his silence over hate speeches by the Sangh Pariwar is worrying the Muslims who have voted for his government in Kashmir and in other states. They trusted Modi’s promise towards the “inclusive development agenda” and never imagined that by his silence over anti minority onslaughts he will send message that his silence is equal to acceptance of the Hindu fundamentalists ideologies, this is the worrying aspect about PM Modi.
These doubts occur in Muslims’ mind because; they are now, the most backward community in India with no decent political representation. The current parliament has the lowest Muslim representation, because the different political parties in India know that, even if they field deserving Muslim candidates, their ability to win is doubtful because the Sangh Parivar has succeeded in polarising the different communities. If this trend continues there wont be any Muslim ministers, MPs and MLAs in future as it has happened in Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. They have a ray of hope on the credibility of secular minded Hindus civil who will not allow the minority bashing and suppression and harassment for a long time.
Hence an appeal to fellow Indians to understand that, factors such as, the social backwardness of Indian Muslims (which is responsible for failure to talk or write), their leadership vacuum, their helplessness in educating the misguided people and lack of space in the media, the mullahs attitude to confine discussions to only religious issues etc., are responsible for not making loud noise. But to certify them as patriotic only when they make noise and condemn them as traitors and asking them to go to Pakistan is hurting Muslim’s sentiments and honor. Such attack on Muslims by divisive forces and the silence of the administrators over such attack on the entire community will make it stressful to live in this glorious nation in which all these decades all the communities coexisted peacefully with dignity, mutual respect and trust.
There is also a great responsibility on the part of “good Muslims’’ to warn their youth not to follow “bad Muslim’s path of violence to seek justice to the atrocities committed on Muslim communities living in different parts of the world by powerful nations in the name of controlling terrorism. Some Muslims go overboard while attempting to condemn the inhuman barbaric acts such as beheading journalists; killing innocent children etc., by calling them as “non Muslims”, as if for non Muslims, violent acts are tolerable deeds. Who are we to declare them as “Muslims” or “non Muslims.”? They are misguided and brain washed persons and can only be categorised as “bad Muslims.”
Fellow Indians who belong to majority community please understand that “the idea that terrorism can be justified through Islam, relies on nothing else but fear-mongering and rhetoric to sway emotions. It has no leg to stand on, if one studies Islamic Law at the most rudimentary level. Hence, it might serve us to discuss this issue from the Islamic legal perspective.”
“A closer investigation of Islam through proper methods of study and proper contextualisation will reveal that it is impossible for anyone to conclude any room for justifying, let alone do it in the name of Islam, the indiscriminate killing of innocent people on the streets. What we are dealing with are the repercussions of political decisions and historic forces that gave rise to insane acts by misguided Muslims who think they are serving Islam and Muslims” (By Mohamed Ghilani – Aljazeera).
Till today, the Indian Muslims have pinned their faith on the secular credentials of India for their peaceful life in this great nation and on the mutual trust exhibited always by fellow Indians belonging to the majority community. Their minds are disturbed for the first time, because of the behavior certain extremist fringe groups who are frequently expressing their hatred for minorities in general and Muslims in particular through their threats, utterances and actions. May be, they are fringe groups now with loud voice, but soon has the danger of becoming powerful groups if, the government of today continues to remain a silent spectator .
(Dr. Rameeza A. Rasheed is a retired professor based in Chennai. She gives lecture on women empowerment.)