Rahul keen to end ‘nomination era’ in Congress

By Liz Mathew, IANS

New Delhi : Keen to make the Congress a “meritocratic” organisation, party general secretary Rahul Gandhi is pressing for long overdue internal elections to ensure that committed grassroot workers come into prominence while doing away with the long-held practice of nominations.

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With the same names there as heads of state units and in the party’s frontal organisations for years together – heads of some Youth Congress units in many states have been there for almost a decade – the young Gandhi, son of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, is now fiercely arguing for “proper organisational elections”.

“Rahul is seriously and sincerely concerned about the Congress not having any representation in some states as well as in some communities and caste groups. He thinks lack of democracy in the party set-up is a reason for it,” said a party MP, not willing to be named.

Rahul, who was appointed as the general secretary in charge of Youth Congress and the National Students Union of India (NSUI), has been meeting young leaders from various states as well as seniors in his ‘Future Group of Challenges’ to discuss ways to strengthen the party.

In his speech addressing the All India Congress Committee (AICC) session last month, the 37-year-old Amethi MP said the organisation should be “open and relevant to a broad range of Indians, who believe in our values and seek to serve the nation”.

Rahul, who insiders say is being groomed as a future prime ministerial candidate of the ruling party, also said there should be a “meritocratic organisation” with accountable and energetic youth, whose progress in the organisation should be linked to their performance.

According to a senior party leader, who is a member of the high-profile ‘Future Group of Challenges’, Rahul is “perturbed” by the fact that party functioning is “no longer democratic”.

“In all the meetings, he is passionately arguing for the need to conduct frequent organisational elections. He appears to be very keen to make the organisation more democratic,” said a party leader, who has attended meetings convened by Rahul.

Although the Congress party’s constitution suggests regular elections within the party to elect the organisational functionaries, no proper election has been held for many years.

“Most of the states, including Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, have not had proper elections in the state units and the frontal organisations for almost a decade. The leaders in charge make frequent visits and write down their favourites’ names to send to Sonia Gandhi,” said a southern Congress leader, who did not want to be identified.

The Youth Congress units in almost all the states have not had any election for its office-bearers for more than a decade. So is the case with the Mahila Congress and the NSUIs.

Said an MP: “Rahul now wants to end ‘the nomination era’ and go for polls to elect the functionaries in the state units and the frontal organisations.”