Series of roadside blasts rock Iraqi capital

By Xinhua

Baghdad : At least two people were killed and more than 15 injured in three roadside bomb explosions across this capital city of Iraq Monday, an interior ministry official said.

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“A roadside bomb detonated near the Mudhaffar Square in eastern Baghdad, killing a civilian and wounding five others,” the source said.

The blast caused damage to several nearby shops and civilian cars, the source said.

Another roadside bomb blew up near an Iraqi Army patrol in the city’s southeastern neighborhood of Zaafaraniya, damaging a military vehicle, wounding two soldiers aboard and four bystanders, he said.

A third roadside bomb struck a US patrol near the University of Technology in eastern part of the city, killing a bystander and injuring four others, the source said.

It was unclear whether the US patrol sustained any casualty as the troops immediately cordoned off the area, preventing the Iraqi police from approaching the scene, he said.

The US military did not confirm the incident yet.

Violence continues in Baghdad despite the US and Iraqi security forces have adopted a new security plan for the capital with an aim to stem rampant insurgency and sectarian violence.