Muslim bodies oppose mandatory decree of divorce for Muslim women

By staff reporter

Jaipur : The Bharatiya Janata Party government of Rajasthan's order issued to the State Department of Education, declaring a court decree mandatory for all appointments reserved for divorced women, has landed Muslim divorcees in trouble as hardly any case of divorce in the Muslim community reached courts of law.

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Muslim organisations as well as senior educationists in the State have called this move of the government ‘biased'.

Dr. Iqbal Ahmed Siddiqui of Jamaat-e-Islami Rajasthan confirmed that Muslim organisations are opposing the government move tooth and nail, and Rajasthan Muslim Forum – a federal body of Muslim organisations in the State – is to discuss the issue and chalk out a joint course of action to oppose it. The date of the meeting will be announced by Friday.

"It is sheer injustice against the Muslim community. It is a conspiracy to deprive Muslim divorcees from employment opportunities. In the Muslim society divorce usually takes place verbally; even if it is written, the writing is of quite personal nature," Dr. Siddiqui said.

"Hardly any divorce case goes to a court of law. So there is no question of producing a court decree for divorce," he added.

State Minister for Education Vasudev Devnani said, "In government rules, court decree has been deemed mandatory for divorce. Some people have also moved the court against this decision. The government will abide by the judgement of the court."

[Photo: Jane Ellen]