Mumbai : Following the murder of a Tata Consultancy Services engineer at a suburban hotel, Mumbai police are making proof of identity mandatory for people checking in at hotels, resorts and lodges in and around India's financial and entertainment capital.
"We are planning to streamline the details of people visiting hotels and checking in giving false identity. Plans are afoot to make proof of identity mandatory for people visiting hotels and lodges for overnight stay," said Joint Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Arup Patnaik.
"We are concentrating on the hotels and lodges in the suburbs. We have instructed lodge owners to maintain the details about people visiting them. We will also conduct surprise checks at these lodges and hotels," Patnaik told IANS Thursday.
"Though, this (proof of identity) would be quite a job to make it mandatory, such a rule would deter people from misusing lodges and hotels and providing fake names."
"With this, no fake name and addresses can be given. We are considering this option," Patnaik mused.
Indian Navy officer Manish Thakur was arrested from Goa Wednesday in connection with the murder of female TCS engineer Koushambi Layek, 24, at a suburban hotel.
Jharkhand-born Layek was found murdered in Room No. 203 of Sun-n-Sheel hotel in Mumbai Sunday. Since then efforts were on to track down Manish Thakur, her boyfriend who is said to be married.
"Manish Thakur, the prime suspect, has given different names and residential addresses at lodges and hotels where he stayed with the victim earlier," Patnaik said.
The couple had checked into the hotel room after signing the register as a married couple from Kolkata.