Hospitals suffer damage after patients die in West Bengal


Kolkata : Two West Bengal hospitals suffered minor damage when relatives of patients who died there turned violent. The relatives alleged negligence on the part of the doctors, but authorities in both hospitals denied the charges.

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The incidents took place Monday evening at the state-run MR Bangur Hospital in the city’s southern suburbs and Rabindranath Tagore International Institute for Cardiac Sciences on the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass.

Kanan Saha, 22, who was admitted Friday at Bangur Hospital with high fever, died Monday.

“Saha was being treated for encephalitis and cerebral malaria. She died despite of all medical help,” hospital superintendent H.K. Chandra told reporters.

But Saha’s brother Palash said: “Six of the family members were present at the hospital Sunday. However, the attending doctor Monday said he was looking for us the previous day to get some important medicine. But since he could not find anyone, he failed to save her.”

On hearing about her death agitated relatives of Saha turned violent and vandalised the superintendent’s office.

The police brought the situation under control.

A similar incident took place at Rabindranath Tagore International Institute for Cardiac Sciences Monday.

Following the death of 35-year-old Rajat Bhowmik, his relatives and friends damaged doctors’ cars and broke some glass doors of the hospital.

“Bhowmik was admitted Aug 5 with chest pain. He was to undergo a surgery Tuesday but expired in Monday evening. There is no question of medical negligence,” said a senior hospital official on condition of anonymity.