Analyst: India launches diplomatic offensives to mount pressure on Pakistan


Islamabad : President of Islamabad Policy Research Institute on Monday said that Indian government has called the meeting of its envoys to prepare them to explain the world that Pakistan is the real culprit and backing the terrorism in the region.

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Talking to IRNA, Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema, opined that the meeting is a form of pressure tactic against Pakistan adding that it is upto the Pakistan government that how it responds to this pressure effectively.

Responding to a question about the statements of Sonia Gandhi and Pranab Mukherjee relating to war with Pakistan, he said that the statements were nothing but election stunt.

“We have to see that both are the representatives of Congress government and in April there would be elections in India so they want to target Hindu extremists who can be attracted by tough stance against Pakistan,” opined Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema.

He said that still India has not provided Pakistan with any evidence of involvement of its citizens in the Mumbai terror attacks, what they have provided is just a list of some people.

“There should be some solid proof that culprits of the attacks are based in Pakistan,” he added.

Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema was of the view that there is some kind of nexus between the US and India to put pressure on Pakistan and Indians are not threatening Pakistan without the
permission of the US government.

“Pakistan government is in a difficult situation in present scenario as internally it is divided on different issues,” added the analyst.

He said that the government has displayed unity only on two occasions, once when it had elected Prime Minister and secondly when it had passed a unanimous resolution on tribal area after the in camera briefing.

Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema said that Pakistan is economically very weak and facing lots of security problems in its tribal areas where tribesmen are engaged in a war against the Pakistan army.

Responding to question on the role of the US in the region he opined that the US has been asking Pakistan to do more as it wants Pakistan to obey its orders.

He added that the drone attacks have killed more civilians than the militants.

He was of the view that by issuing threatening statements India wants to just check the preparations of Pakistan.

I think there would be no attack but if India attacks some targets at Pakistani soil it could lead to a full fledged war, viewed Cheema.