By Prensa Latina
United Nations : The chairman of the United Nations General Assembly, Srgjan Kerim, will kick off a Latin American tour on Wednesday that will include Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Peru, where he will promote prioritized issues on the agenda of the 62nd session.
At his meetings with authorities and UN representatives in each of the countries, Kerim will discuss such issues as global warming and the Millennium Development Goals.
He will also analyze the financing for development and UN reforms.
As part of this week’s UN agenda, the Security Council will meet on Tuesday to hold consultations on Sudan and East Timor, and on a resolution on the African Union’s mission in Somalia.
In addition, UN Undersecretary General Asha Rose Migiro will attend a meeting of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, to be held in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination will meet at the Geneva headquarters, and the Tenth Session of the Environmental Program and its Ministerial Social Forum will be held Wednesday through Friday in Monaco to mobilize funds to deal with climate change.
An interactive panel on decent work as a right in the era of globalization will be held here on Friday.