MNAs-elect to take oath under 1973 constitution


Islamabad :Interim Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Syed Afzal Haider Friday said the elected members would take oath according to 1973 Constitution as the section dealing with the oath was same and has not been amended ever.Talking to PTV, he said independent MNAs and MPAs elect are not bound to join any political party within a period of three days after issuance of official notification.It is being wrongly reported in a section of press.

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Parliament has full authority to amend the constitution.It can also abolish controversial 58-2/B.Elections stands for unity, consensus and democracy’s progress.Floor crossing is strictly prohibited.

He lamented that some political parties had boycotted the elections which were very much legal and constitutional. Politicians who boycotted elections had sensed defeat, he added.

He urged political parties to introduce democratic traditions in their parties, hold elections in their party regularly.Circulate their manifesto months before the elections and elect their leadership through voting.

After the elections acuteness of terrorism has subsided. Many vested elements do not want democracy to establish in Pakistan.

About results he said election results show that people do not want to give absolute powers to one party and the message is loud and clear that many parties should run the show jointly.

Balance has been created that various political parties should set aside their acrimonies and rule the country together, he added.

Numerous observers came in the country to watch the elections in a charged atmosphere here.Western media has given clean chit saying that in a country where democratic traditions are not so strong elections are termed mostly as transparent.

If any body has any complaint he should register complaint, as election tribunals have already started working to provide justice to the aggrieved parties.