Move to trace defrauded housing scheme members


New Delhi : The Delhi High Court Thursday directed the Registrar of Cooperative Societies (RCS) to issue a public notice to identify the genuine members affected by a Rs.40 billion scam in the allotment of flats in the group housing scheme.

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A division bench headed by Justice Manmohan Sarin also invited suggestions from lawyers to identify the original members.

Counsel for the cooperative group housing society (CGHS) informed the court that it was difficult to find out all genuine members – who had paid money but were not allotted flats – because many of them have changed their residential addresses.

The court will begin the final hearing in the case from Monday.

On March 8, the court appointed a high-power committee to expedite identification of the genuine members as thousands of families, mostly in Dwarka sub-city, have been awaiting allotment for years.

The panel, however, could not go ahead with the task following a rift within. Registrar of Cooperative Societies U.K. Vohra, a member of the committee, felt scrutinizing eligible members was his exclusive domain and the three other members, including its chairman, retired high court judge J.P. Singh, had no business to interfere.

The court was Wednesday upset over the development but acting in the “larger interest” allowed Vohra to do the “spade work” and then subject his findings to scrutiny by the committee.

But the differences have continued. K.C. Mittal, the amicus curiae – a lawyer helping the court in the matter – and an association of CGHS’ affected members were against the registrar independently handling the verification drive.