Hamas vows to respond fiercely if Israel assassinates Islamic leaders

By Xinhua

Gaza : Hamas on Monday vowed to respond fiercely to Israel if it targets the Islamic movement’s leaders in Gaza Strip.

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Speaking at a news conference in Gaza, Hamas spokesman Sami AbuZuhri said Israeli media reported that Premier Ehud Olmert approved the assassination of Hamas leaders and this would not “terrify Hamas or the Palestinian people.”

“Instead, this will boost our determination to fight the Israelis,” he said.

Abu Zuhri warned Israel against carrying out any assassination, adding that “the occupationists must be ready for and expect the volume of the responses.”

Israel launched a military operation into Gaza Strip since Wednesday in response to the Palestinian rocket-fire that hit southern Israel territories from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. More than 110 people were killed in the operation which included a two-day incursion into northeast Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, Abu Zuhri said the Israeli withdrawal from northeast Gaza Strip was the beginning of the failure of the Israeli army ground operations before the Palestinian fighters.

“This war will not bring any goals and Olmert should reap the defeat of his army in Jabaliya,” Abu Zuhri added.