EU celebrates Treaty of Lisbon

By EUAsiaNews,

Brussels : On 1 December the European Union’s Treaty of Lisbon enters into force. The day is being marked in Lisbon with fireworks, music and speeches from EU leaders.

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The Lisbon Treaty, named after the Portuguese capital where it was signed in 2007, aims to boost the EU’s global role and make the enlarged Union more transparent and efficient.

“A new era of European cooperation beings today. With the Treaty of Lisbon, EU citizens get a Union that can meet the demands of the 27 Member States for transparency, democracy and efficiency. A Union that can better meet the challenges of globalisation,” said

Sweden’s Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt whose country holds the current EU Presidency.

Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament , said The Treaty of Lisbon represents an increase in democracy and efficiency in the European Union.

“The Treaty gives a huge boost to the powers of the directly-elected European Parliament. The Lisbon Treaty is a tool not the aim. The Treaty gives the EU a set of tools to tackle more effectively the key concerns of citizens,” he said.

The treaty’s most important innovations include the creation of a permanent president of the European Council and a new EU foreign minister who will head a large diplomatic office.