New Delhi: Deposing before a city court Tuesday, Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh charged that a man posing as a law officer tried to extort Rs. 5 crore from him to settle a corruption case against Mulayam Singh Yadav two years ago.
Appearing before Metropolitan Magistrate Ashu Garg, Singh alleged that accused Barun Kumar Verma posed as a law officer of the law ministry and demanded the money to ensure a favourable order from an apex court judge.
“Accused used to say that he is a law officer in Law and Justice Ministry and claimed to know Justice (since retd) A.R.Lakshamanan and the then Union Minister H.R.Bhardwaj,” he said.
Singh said he doubted the credibility of accused Barun Kumar Verma, who was impersonating as a law officer, and had him arrested after he called the Delhi police commissioner.
Amar Singh had registered a case against Verma on June 4, 2007 alleging that he tried to extort money from him in connection with the hearing of a “disproportionate assets case” in the apex court relating to Yadav.
The court, meanwhile, recalled a bailable warrant issued against Singh on Nov 3 for his failure to appear before the court to depose in the case.