Tips to ease you into the corporate world

By Samini Philip, IANS,

Book: “Making Your First Job Your Dream Job”; Author: Clare Maxfield; Price: Rs.145; Publisher: Wisdom Tree

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We have all experienced the fear of the unknown. Entering the corporate world or making a transition to a new job can make even the most confident person feel apprehensive. “Making your first job your dream job” is a valuable book that will guide you step by step about what to expect in a new working environment.

The book also explains certain do’s and don’ts that can help you get ahead and may even prevent you from making a faux pas. From information on how to write a resume to what to wear to work, the book answers many questions that are likely to arise while entering the corporate world.

At the very beginning, Maxfield helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses which will enable you to determine what kind of job you may be best suited for. This is beneficial for those who are uncertain about what they may want to do.

One of the best things about the book is the way it is structured. At the end of every chapter, Maxfield summarises the key points discussed. Moreover, she uses a number of quotations to inspire you and help you get ahead. Some particularly inspiring ones include “It matters not what a person is born, but (whom) they choose to be” and “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.”

No matter how much work experience you have, an interview can always be daunting. The book helps alleviate your anxiety by listing a number of likely questions an interviewer will ask and what kind of answers they may be looking for.

Examples include: “Why should I hire you?”, “How do you take direction?” and “What is the most difficult situation you have faced?”

While the book covers a range of issues relating to the corporate world, some readers may find they are already familiar with some of the information. In that case, they need not read the entire book and can go on to the chapters that interest them.