By Salman Sultan, Special Correspondent,
Azamgarh: It was a surprise visit by Maulana Mohammad Rabey Hasni Nadvi, the senior most member of the managing committee of Darul Musannefin Shibli Academy when on his way to Ghazipur he briefly halted at the Academy on November 24. Maulana Nadvi is the president of All India Muslim Personal Law Board.
Among others, his brother Maulana Wazeh Rasheed Nadvi accompanied Maulana Rabey Hasni Nadvi. Maulana Rabey was happy to see the progress of Academy and was inquisitive of its present state of affairs.
Maulana expressed his worry over lack of new books coming out of Academy. However, when told about the appointment of two new scholars and the promised effort of Maulana Umairus Siddique Nadvi (Senior ‘Rafeeque’) in completing his project “Tazkaratul Fuqha”, he expressed satisfaction.

Incidentally, Maualan Umairus Siddique has gone to Lucknow and was on his way back when Maulana Rabey arrived in the Academy. Maulana was apprised of enhancement of staff salary to the extent of 150% within a year of Professor Ishtiaq Zilli’s tenure as Director/Secretary of the Academy.
Maulana Rabey was regretful of not attending managing committee meetings in the past because of extreme business with so many things, in particular, with the Personal Law Board. He expressed his desire to be at the next annual meeting.
He was all praise for Allama Shibli Nomani’s maverick biography writings. In particular, he picked up “Al-Farooq” as an exemplary biography that had a great impact. When Dr. Ilyas Azmi, Fellow of the Academy proposed a seminar through ‘Rabta-e- Adab Islami”, Maulana suggested a topic related to Allama Shibli’s style of biography writing.
Maulana Rabey was briefed about the renovation of Conference Hall with the state of art audio system as per instructions and supervision of Professor Ishtiaq Zilli.