Biotech regulator approves commercial release of Bt brinjal


New Delhi : The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), the biotechnology regulator, Wednesday approved the commercialisation of genetically modified Bt brinjal.

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Bt Brinjal still needs the government’s nod before its release in the market. If it gets the nod, Bt Brinjal will be the first genetically modified food in India.

Members of the committee, which met here, said the genetically modified crop had the potential to increase yields by a significant extent.

But opposing the GEAC decision, farmers’ union the All India Kisan Sabha said: “There are many unresolved issues surrounding the environmental release of the transgenic vegetable as well as genuine concerns expressed over its safety for human consumption. There is also the added threat of all future seeds and therefore Indian agriculture coming under the control of global MNCs and the charging of extortionate prices from Indian farmers.”

The introduction of the genetically modified brinjal is part of an USAID programme called Agri-Biotechnology Support Programme (ABSP) under which the Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi; University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore are working with Monsanto and Mahyco.

In a statement, the Sabha said: “It has been pointed out that some of the ‘experts’ in the GEAC have conflicts of interest. Certain experts on the committee are reported to have expressed strong objections which were however not taken into account.

“If the GEAC carries forward the environmental release of Bt Brinjal floodgates will be opened for nearly 60 genetically modified food crops in India, some of which are already in the pipeline like rice, corn, okra etc.”

It pointed out that the European Union has banned genetically modified food crops.

Demanding that more studies be carried out before Bt Brinjal is introduced and that the decision making process of the GEAC be more transparent, Sabha president S. Ramachandran Pillai and general secretary K. Varadha Rajan said in their joint statement: “Concerns regarding the health and environmental risks associated with GM crops are too serious to be disregarded. The seed monopolies that threaten Indian agriculture and farmers’ livelihoods should also be reined in.”