MICA announces post graduate programme in Delhi


New Delhi : The Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA), known for its post graduate courses in advertising, marketing research and communications, has announced the launch, through video conferencing, of a certificate programme in research and analytics in New Delhi aimed at marketing professionals.

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Tailored in a way that working professionals will be able to take the classes without any hassle, the course will help managers work better at taking decisions about issues pertaining to the organization’s marketing problems like segmentation, new product launch, pricing, competitor analysis, advertisement effectiveness and packaging options.

Darshana Vyas, the admission coordinator, said: “Today’s marketing environment is witnessing complex problems and opportunities than ever before and this course will help in skill and perspective building of junior and middle level executives in the data analytic industry”.

The classes, Vyas said, will be conducted on Saturdays and Mondays, from 7 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. The MICA faculty will be taking the classes here through video conferencing.

“The programme leans on practical and non-technical approach and will be dealt through the sophisticated data analysis software SPSS/PASW. It will provide a hands-on experience of the application of appropriate data analysis tools that are imperative in making effective decision,” she added.

The teaching process will be interactive and it will consist of a blend of lectures, real life case studies, live corporate examples, general discussions, quizzes and assignments in order to provide greater industry insights, Vyas further said.

The fee for the 12-month programme will be Rs.79,250. The last date for applying to the course is Oct 31.