New Delhi : A city court Friday extended the interim bail of the accused in Thursday’s BMW car mishap in which a 62-year-old man was fatally run over.
BMW driver Raman Singla, who was out on bail barely hours after the accident, was given an extension till April 12.
Questioning the police about the investigations carried out so far, Metropolitan Magistrate Savitri asked: “Why was no alcohol test done on the accused? Since he is booked under the case of culpable homicide and rash and negligent driving, this test is necessary.”
The police blamed the doctor who, they claimed, did not conduct the test despite their having specifically asked him.
Savitri added: “If you had asked the doctor to conduct this test, then show me the application.”
The police, however, could not produce any application in this regard.
An interim bail was granted on a surety of Rs.20,000 and one guarantor on behalf of the accused.
Om Dutt Chauhan, a resident of east Delhi, was killed early Thursday after he was run over by a speeding BMW car while he was on his morning walk near Akshardham temple in east Delhi.
The three occupants of the BMW car, driven by Singla, also suffered injuries. Singla is a resident of Madhu Vihar near Karkardooma. He previously owned the Singla Restaurant at Madhu Vihar with his father Baburam Singla.