Separatists call for shutdown over death penalty to militants


Srinagar: Kashmiri separatist leaders called for a shutdown Friday to protest the death sentence given to two local residents by a Delhi court Thursday in the 1996 Lajpat Nagar bomb blast case even as the families of the convicts said they will move high court against the decision.

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Mirza Zaffar, 35, the elder brother of Mirza Nisar Hussain who has been given death penalty, lives in the Shamswari locality of summer capital Srinagar.

He expressed shock at the court’s decision. “My brother was just 16 years old when he was arrested from Kathmandu (in Nepal). He is innocent and we will appeal against the court’s decision in the high court,” Zaffar said.

Mirza Nissar Hussain alias Naza, Mohammad Naushad and Mohammad Ali Bhatt alias Killey were sentenced to death by a Delhi court which held them guilty for murder and mayhem. Thirteen people were killed and 39 injured in the blast that took place May 2, 1996 evening in the busy Central Market area of Lajpat Nagar locality in the national capital.

Another convict was given life term and two others were sentenced to seven and four years, respectively.

Mirza Ghulam Muhammad, 55, the uncle of Hussain, said: “He is innocent and we expect justice to be delivered to us after we challenge the decision in the Delhi High Court.”

In a statement issued here, Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, chairman of the moderate Hurriyat group, called for a shutdown Friday.

“We condemn the verdict and have called for a general strike across Kashmir on Friday against the death penalty to Kashmiris in the Lajpat Nagar blast case,” the Mirwaiz said.

“We also appeal to the Imams (clerics) of all the mosques to hold peaceful protest demonstrations after the congregational prayers tomorrow (Friday) against the verdict,” the Mirwaiz added.

The statement also said the death penalty awarded was not only harsh but carried an element of vengeance.

“We are awaiting complete details in this regard. Once we receive the details, we will hold deliberations about the proper action against the judgment,” the statement said.

Hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani, the chairman of the breakaway Hurriyat group, also called for a protest shutdown Friday.

“Indian judiciary keeps their national interest paramount to the principles of justice,” Geelani said.

“We have called a meeting of the Majlis-e-Shoura (advisory council) tomorrow (Friday) and will discuss our programme against the verdict after that,” Geelani said.

A statement issued by the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation front (JKLF) also condemned the sentencing.

“JKLF appeals to the international community and civil society of India to come forward to help save the lives of Ali Mohammad Bhat, Mirza Nissar Hussain and Mohammad Noushad against whom Delhi court pronounced death penalty,” the statement said.

The statement, while condemning the life imprisonment to Javed Ahmad Khan, said he has already served 14 years in jail and was suffering from various ailments.

“Yasin Malik has expressed the hope that the civil society and other institutions will come forward to save lives of oppressed Kashmiri people,’ the statement added.