New Delhi : With charges of corruption piling on everyday against the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee (CGOC), heads started to roll from Thursday with its treasurer Anil Khanna quitting in wake of allegations that his son’s firm secured contract for laying synthetic courts at R.K. Khanna Tennis Stadium, one of the venues of the Oct 3-14 Games.
Khanna is the secretary-general of the All India Tennis Association (AITA), which is the owner of the tennis stadium.
“I have resigned from the post CWG treasurer. I take moral responsibility and quit. I am not in the process of selection of the turf,” Khanna told Headlines Today.
Khanna said he had no role in the process of giving contract to Rebound Ace, the company that bagged the contract for laying 14 synthetic surfaces at the stadium. According to media reports, Khanna’s son Aditya is the chief executive of the Indian branch of the Australian-based firm.
Khanna said he was concerned about the media reports surfacing just before the executive meeting of the CGOC.
“In April I said there is more need for corporate governance in the Commonwealth Games. I sought corporate governance during OC meetings. The corruption charges are shocking. I have quit to stay clean,” he said.