Jamia receives a special grant of Rs 54.2 crore from UGC

By TCN News,

New Delhi: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has allocated a special grant of Rs.54.2 crores to Jamia Millia Islamia. This fund has been allocated to the University for the purpose of upgradation of laboratories, construction of new buildings and extension of old buildings among other things.

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This special allocation of Rs 54.2 crore is over and above the XIth Plan General Development Grant sanctioned by the UGC to the University.

This special grant will be used by the University to add classrooms and other facilities such as new laboratories and upgrading existing laboratories for students & research scholars of the University. Supporting services to feed existing infrastructure shall also be upgraded such as overloaded substations, construction of waste water treatment plant to recycle water, provision of safe drinking water system and solar day lighting system in the classrooms among other things.

The additional grant will also be used to make hard/soft copies of journals available to students/researchers in the University. The sum will help the University upgrade facilities and infrastructure of Jamia schools too.

In order to provide high level IT facilities to the students and staff of the University, there will also be an upgradation of the FTK-Centre for Information Technology so that it is equipped to accommodate high speed internet servers, 2G & 3G Network services etc.

The sum will also help the University expand its existing Hostels and Dining facilities to accommodate more students.

This special grant given by the UGC to Jamia Millia Islamia will certainly help the University upgrade its infrastructure and other facilities which will enhance the learning environment within the campus.