400 attended at free eye-camp in Bangalore

By TCN News,

Bangalore: To provide medical assistance to the poor people suffering from eye diseases, Rehab India Foundation (RIF) organized a free eye check-up and advanced surgical treatment camp here on December 23. The camp was sponsored by the Karnataka chapter of Popular Front of India.

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A team of doctors from Bangalore West Lion’s Eye Hospital offered their services at the camp. More than 400 patients were attended at the camp. Of them, 35 patients were taken to the hospital for advanced surgical treatment. All the patients were provided with free medicines while those who were referred to the hospital were provided with free treatment, accommodation and transportation also. The RIF will be taking care of the patients even after surgery by providing them with required medicines.

At the end of the successful camp, Mr. Saqib, Director, RIF, highlighted as to how the backward classes and poor people of the country are not living a healthy life due to lack of education and money.

Detailing about RIF’s expansion plan, he said: “In future RIF will organize medical camps not only for the eye diseases but other types of diseases also, and not only in Bangalore city but also on the outskirts.”

RIF is a non-profitable charity working for the socio-economic and educational development of the deprived communities.

Link: http://rehabindiafoundation.org/portal/