By Aaliya N.P.,,
Malappuram: “We should understand Islam and Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) through his teachings and should not try to colour the religion with the paint of terrorism,” said veteran writer Kushwant Singh as he was inaugurating a function organized by Youth of Muslim League at Malappuram Town Hall.
Islam can said to be the most misunderstood religion in the world. The Christians could bring disgrace to Prophet Muhammed (P.BU.H) and thus to Islam. They are successful in bringing much disbelief to this sacred religion. The attempt to bring disgrace to Islam was started by the Christians when they realized the religion is spreading rapidly at far places.

With the emergence of the new child, terrorism, these people also got evidence for their statements against Islam. They began to use the names like Al Qaeda, Taliban etc. The attack on September 11, 2001 was another mark.
Instead of the religion, it’s Islamophobia, the fear of Islam that spreads in the world now. The enemies are very eager in spreading misconceptions about this religion worldwide. They say Islam is a religion of war with the proof of wars at the time of the Prophet. And that Prophet Muhammed (P.BU.H) is not a supporter of Peace and Equity.
But, let these people understand one thing, that Islam did not force anyone to join its path. The people in Indonesia, Malaysia and all accepted this religion on their own wishes and not on compulsion.
Prophet Muhammed has taught us of Omnipotent Allah, unlike others who have different gods for different purposes. And about women, other people say that Islam considers women as an instrument for enjoyment, because they allow men to marry 4 women at a time. They prove this saying that Prophet had made an example for that. But, they do not understand about the real care of Islam for women, which was hidden somewhere. These women were married by Prophet to help them as they were lonely in this treacherous world.
At last, Kushwant Singh concluded with recommending everyone to read the book ‘Muhammed: A Prophet for Our Time’ by Karan Armstrong.