Muslim United Front in election campaign mode?

By TCN News,

Patna: No political party is the real well wisher of Muslims of Bihar. Ahead of Assembly elections every political party is trying to woo Muslims just for their votes and nothing else. In a tone which is typical of launching of election campaign, these views were expressed by Mr. Abu Qaiser, president Muslim United Front, in a press release issued today.

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Trying to justify the existence and relevance of his own party, he pointed out that Muslim United Front was formed with the purpose of fighting for the rights of Muslims, some thing which all the political parties just claim of doing, but have not done any thing.

Abu Qaiser in the office of Muslim United Front

Bringing the Muslim leaders of the present government into dock, Mr. Qaiser said that the so called Muslim leaders haven’t done any thing for the welfare of Muslims. He also criticized the secular credentials of Nitish Kumar saying that he just pretends to be secular otherwise, why is it that the victims of Bhagalpur riots still haven’t got justice? Why has their pension been stopped for last many months?

Calling Congress biggest enemy of Muslims, he accused the party of double standards. He asked, If the victims of 1984 riots are being provided with government jobs why aren’t the victims of Bhagalpur riots given the same treatment?