Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi and 45 others have been accused of financial irregularities involving Rs.11,412 crore by a social activist, who filed a complaint in a court Tuesday.
The complaint was filed by Arwal district-based social activist Mohan Kumar in the special vigilance court of Patna, a court official said.
The court has fixed July 29 as the date of hearing of the case.
The complainant accused Nitish Kumar, Modi and 45 others, including half a dozen ministers, of being involved in irregularities in various departments responsible for execution of welfare schemes.
The petitioner accused Nitish Kumar, Modi and others of fraudulent withdrawals of Rs.1,400 crore from the state treasury.
He said a report of the accountant general’s office for the period ending March 31, 2008 formed the basis for his complaint.