Raipur: Chhattisgarh Police Thursday began a probe into the deaths of two workers at the Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) plant in Raigarh district in the state. The company, owned by Congress MP Naveen Jindal, has also set up its own investigation.
“We have sent an additional superintendent of police to the plant to investigate the matter in detail. Then police will initiate action against the plant management for any lapses,” Raigarh district Superintendent of Police Rahul Sharma told IANS over phone.
Two workers Ramkripal Singh, 54, resident of Gajipur of Uttar Pradesh and Ramkhilawan Dhiwar, 35, resident of Janjgir-Champa district of Chhattisgarh, were killed and Bhola Thakur injured critically Wednesday evening at the plant in Raigarh district, some 220 km from Raipur.
The accident occurred at the oxygen unit of the plant.
Jindal Steel also formed a team Thursday to probe the reasons for the workers’ deaths.
Sanjeev Chauhan, senior general manager, JSPL, said the workers died due to breathing problems while cleaning an air-water tank.
“The accident was not caused due to any gas leak or blast. The company has formed a team of senior officers to find out the exact reason of the accident,” a press release quoted Chauhan as saying