Concerned citizens demand ban on RSS

By TCN News,

New Delhi: Concerned citizens affiliated to various groups have demanded immediate ban on RSS for its involvement in terror activities in the country. They also demanded an urgent and impartial time-bound enquiry in all the terror bomb blast cases to bring the fundamentalist Hindutva forces to book.

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“Banned several times earlier, and accused in the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, their [RSS’s] sinister fronts and masterminds have been behind innumerable tragic events, violence and massacres which have rocked the country: from a series of communal riots, to Babri Masjid demolition and the riots thereafter, to the State sponsored Sangh Parivar carnage in Gujarat 2002, to the series of organised terror bomb blasts which killed hundreds across the Indian landscape in recent times… We, the undersigned, demand an immediate ban on the RSS and all its front organisations and wings,” they said in a joint statement today.

They also condemned the recent attack by RSS workers on the office of news channels Aaj Tak and Headlines Today in New Delhi following the channel’s broadcast of sting operation exposing the hand of RSS leaders in terror conspiracy.

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“We strongly condemn the recent attack by hundreds of RSS goons on the office cum studio of leading news channels Aaj Tak and Headlines Today. This vicious sequence was supplemented by yet another attack on another TV network in Mumbai by yet another lawless mob of the Shiv Sena. There have been many cases earlier, though none as big as the recent attack, when various RSS outfits have attacked the media violently, in a planned moved to terrorise and intimidate,” the citizens said.

It is widely known that the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh), which claims to be a cultural outfit, is the umbrella organisation of the entire Sangh Parivar, and the political vanguard of the family. It appoints and dismisses BJP presidents. It even decides chief ministers and cabinet ministers of BJP governments. Most BJP leaders are confirmed RSS members. It is aligned symbiotically with VHP/Bajrang Dal and a network of similar lumpen organisations. It has thousands of branches which have been at the forefront of not just spreading communalised-hate propaganda but also in carrying out various kinds of systematic and underground terror and violent activities especially through Abhinav Bharat, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal.

“The sting operation executed by Headlines Today/Aaj Tak and stories covered by other media houses show that he RSS think-tank connived in the bomb blast at Ajmer Shrief shrine on October 11, 2007. Some of the cases where the sinister hands and minds of the Hindutva forces are being explicitly talked about are: Nanded/ April 6, 2006, Delhi/ April 14, 2006, Malegaon (Maharashtra)/ September 8, 2006, Samjhauta Express (Haryana)/ February 18, 2007, Mecca Masjid (Hyderabad)/ October 18, 2007, Kanpur/ August 24, 2008, Delhi/ September 27, 2008, Malegaon and Modasa (Gujarat)/ September 29, 2008, Grace church at Margao in South Goa/ October 16, 2009.”

ANHAD as well many other civil society organisations and several media publications/ channels have raised the question about the organised and penetrative involvement of Sangh in terror activities many a times during the past five years in the media as well as with various political parties and the government.