Telangana: Muslim Forum appears before Srikrishna panel

By TCN News,

Hyderabad: As part of its exercise to hear all stakeholders of Telangana, the Central government-formed Srikrishna Committee yesterday heard the Muslim Forum for Telangana. Responding to the Committee’s main question about benefit to the Muslim community if Telangana is formed, the Forum submitted a detailed report.

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The Forum said that as Muslims’ population will higher in Telangana as compared to that in present Andhra, the community will benefit in every field.

“We explained them in detail the economic, social, political, educational and employment conditions of Muslims in Andhra Pradesh under the ruling class of Andhra people. Therefore if Telangana is formed the first thing will be that the ruling class of Andhra will be gone, Muslims percentage will increase automatically because most of the Muslims are in Telangana region only, therefore they will benefit in every field and every sphere if the Telangana is formed,” said Lateef Mohd Khan, Convenor, Muslim Forum for Telangana.

The Muslim Forum, in its submitted report, quoted Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar, to bring home the point that the minorities will benefit in small states.

“We believe the saying of Dr. Ambedkar that the protection of minorities and backward classes is in the small states. There will be no end of upper castes (Reddy, Kamma) rule in bigger states. Small states are only the way to break their domination,” the report says.

The Forum appealed to the Srikrishna Committee to present its report in favor of Telangana, otherwise people will lose confidence in democracy.

“We appeal to this committee to present the report in favour of Telangana as early as possible because the emotions of Telangana people are at peak level and due to the delay in process the people will loose their confidence in democracy which will bring great loss to the country. Once again we remind committee the quotation of Hazrath Ali, “There is no meaning for silence when there is a need to speak for justice.”

The Muslim Forum delegation consisted Lateef Mohd Khan, Prof. Rehana Sultana, Mohd Abdul Basith Khan, Dr. Rafat Seema, Kaneez Fathima, A. Srinivas, Noorjahan Siddiqui, Yahiya Khan, S.Q. Masood, Dr. Deepa Srinivas, M. Mandakini, Mohd Masood Ahmed, Mohd Abdullah, Mohd Ismail Khan.