Terror outfits in AfPak threat to entire world, says Putin


New Delhi : Visiting Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Friday said terror groups operating from within Afghanistan and Pakistan are a threat to India, Russia and the entire world.

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“As far as terror groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan are concerned, it is a matter of worry for the entire region and, in fact, the whole world,” Putin said here while participating in a video conference with businessmen from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore.

Banned terror groups operating from Pakistani soil are a cause of concern and a threat for both India and Russia, he said, adding that he understood India’s concerns on the issue.

Stressing the proximity of India and Russia to the Afghanistan border, Putin said the situation in the violence-torn country will impact the security of both countries.

Putin landed here Thursday night on a visit lasting less than 24 hours.

The situation in Afghanistan will be among the key regional and global issues Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will discuss with Putin Friday night.

The two sides will discuss the volatile situation in Afghanistan and the implications of a reconciliation deal with the Taliban for regional stability.

The two countries have been inching closer in their assessment of the situation in Afghanistan and believe that the Taliban are linked to Al Qaeda and pose a threat to regional stability and security.