Couple together for 74 years, die within 3 days of each other


London : A British couple, inseparable for 74 years, died within three days of each other after the woman wrote a love letter to her 90-year-old husband to come and see her from his hospital to hers. She died just three hours after he was moved to her hospital.

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The elderly couple – Ted and Mary Williams – were transferred to the same hospital so that they could hold hands during their last moments together, Daily Express reported Thursday.

They fell in love as teenagers and were inseparable for the next 74 years.

Mary, 87, was admitted to Southmead Hospital in Bristol with pneumonia and Ted was admitted to the Frenchay Hospital with heart problems.

Then Mary wrote a love letter to her husband asking him to look her up.

Ted was transferred to Mary’s ward to ensure they spent their final hours together.

They held hands in adjacent beds and she died three hours after Ted arrived March 10. He died three days later of heart failure.

“Dad got to hold her hand for the last few hours of her life. Then dad said, ‘My time has come, and I want to be with your mum’. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, just as mum had done,” the couple’s son Tony was quoted as saying.

The couple were healthy till a year ago when Mary began to suffer from Alz�heimer’s. Ted insisted on looking after her himself.

“He (Ted) explained, ‘It’s my job. I love her and I want to be with her’. It was a fantastic love. They couldn’t have asked for more than this. It gave them the perfect end to their life-long love story,” Tony said.