Shimla: Mercury levels remained high across Himachal Pradesh Sunday with the temperature being recorded two to six degrees above the average, the weatherman said, adding that state capital Shimla saw a high of 25.9 degrees Celsius.
“Temperatures across the state remained on the higher side due to absence of rain in the past few days. The maximum temperature remained above average by two to six degrees,” Manmohan Singh, director of the meteorological office here, told IANS.
He said Shimla’s maximum temperature was five degrees above the average for this time of the year.
Likewise, Sundernagar in Mandi district saw a maximum of 34.9 degrees Celsius, Bhuntar in Kullu district 31.8 degrees Celsius and Kalpa in Kinnaur district recorded temperature of 21.8 degrees Celsius.
Dharamsala, the headquarters of the Tibetan government-in-exile, saw a high of 34.4 degrees Celsius, six degrees above the average.
The Met department said the weather would remain dry Monday.