British institute beckons Indian engineers to excel

By Fakir Balaji, IANS,

Bangalore : The London-based Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), which certifies professional excellence worldwide, will offer its expertise to Indian engineers for global recognition.

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“We are entering into an agreement with the Institution of Engineers (India) to exchange information and ideas for the advancement of science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM) in the Indian subcontinent,” IET chief executive Nigel Fine told IANS here.

India has the world’s third largest scientific and engineering talent pool.

“Though India has become a global brand in software services and products, the potential for excelling in other engineering disciplines such as civil, mechanical, electrical and electronics is immense in a growing economy,” Fine said.

To create awareness about its professional offerings and promote its range of activities, IET is hosting a ‘Global Engineering and Technology Leadership summit’ in Bangalore from Thursday.

As a not-for-profit organisation, IET offers the maintenance of professional engineering standards. As a global network, the institution disseminates knowledge and information to its 150,000 members in 127 countries and through 100 local networks in 34 countries, including India.

Through its India local network, IET promotes engineering and technology and seeks to raise awareness of the profession, which occupies the centre-stage of a nation’s economic development spawning infrastructure, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, services and healthcare among others to improve living standards.

“Engineers inspire and make a difference to everything we do — from doers who build, run and maintain systems to the thinkers who design and develop solutions, direct projects and decision-makers,” Fine observed.

In association with the Engineering Council UK, the regulatory authority for registration of professional engineers and technicians in Britain, IET will offer its Indian chapter members an assessment opportunity to become a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), Engineering Technical (EngTech) or ICT Technician (ICTTech).

“We award these qualifications under licence from ECUK after a structured assessment of working engineers in various multi-disciplinary organisations. The certification demonstrates to peers and employers that members meet the UK standard of professional engineering competence,” Fine pointed out.

Besides recognition of one’s expertise and hard work, the benefits of professional engineering qualification for Indian engineers are bright career prospects, greater influence within their organisation and industry and access to life-long learning.

With about 2,500 members, IET’s India chapter plans to work with academia, research and development (R&D) organisations, large industries and manufacturing firms and state-run enterprises to create an eco-system for building high quality engineers and leverage the latest developments in science and technology to produce a world class talent pool.

“The impact of technology on economy is self-evident, as technology creates economic opportunities. Those who recognise technology trends in advance are able to reap rich benefits by harnessing the trends to create wealth,” Fine noted.

Fine asserted that revolutionary advances made by humankind in STEM would shape the 21st century.

“Core engineering is all about innovation while technology creates applications for practical solutions. Science, on the other hand, is a theoretical and practical study of nature as a phenomena for the benefit of humankind,” Fine explained.

“The summit creates a platform for chief executives to recognise the technology trends of tomorrow and create leadership opportunities for their organisations and themselves by having the ability to read the trends,” IET India head Shekhar Sanyal said.

The two-day summit will deliberate on how leadership in science and technology is changing the world through sessions on specific domains such as healthcare, aerospace, simulation practice and satellite.