Berlin : An historic synagogue in the western German city of Worms was targeted by arsonists early Monday, police said.
Police spokesman Klaus Weinmann said that the building, which was first built in the 11th century, was doused with a flammable liquid in several places and set alight.
There were no injuries and little damage was caused, the spokesman said. Local firefighters were able to put out the blaze quickly.
State premier Kurt Beck condemned the attack.
“We will not tolerate such an attack on a synagogue,” Beck said.
“The perpetrator should know that such an act against a Jewish house of god is a travesty that we will pursue with all legal means,” Beck said.
The synagogue, the oldest extant Jewish place of worship in Germany, was attacked and burned to the ground on Kristallnacht in 1938, when Nazi forces across the country targeted Jewish businesses and property. It was rebuilt in 1961.