Andhra Pradesh for closer ties with Australian cities


Hyderabad : Andhra Pradesh is keen to develop closer ties with the Australian cities of Brisbane and Ipswich in the areas of agriculture, education, information technology, biotechnology and tourism, Chief Minister K. Rosaiah said here Wednesday.

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A five-member Australian delegation, including Brisbane Mayor Campbell Newman and Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale, met Rosaiah here. Noting that mechanization in agriculture in Andhra Pradesh is a slow process, Rosaiah said Australia could help the state in this area.

The chief minister hoped that the sister city agreement signed Tuesday by Hyderabad with Brisbane and Ipswich, would enhance friendship and cooperation between the three cities.

“With this type of agreements, we can learn more about one another, and have friendly and meaningful exchanges, with mutual benefits,” Rosaiah said.

He also told the visiting delegation that an official business delegation from the state would be sent to Australia shortly.

The Brisbane Mayor Newman said Brisbane has one of the largest economies and has seen consistent economic growth in recent years as a result of the resources boom.

The city of Ipswich is thriving with agricultural technology and hotel industry, its Mayor Paul Pisasale told Rosaiah.

Earlier, the mayors of the two Australian cities inaugurated tri-sister city trade promotion office here.

Paul Pisasale said that the sister cities agreement will give better businesses, investment in properties, and create jobs.

Newman said they will make a concerted effort to promote exchange of economic activity and trade between the three cities. The agreement will be valid for five years and the development will be documented and reviewed every two years.