New Delhi: Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi Thursday called on state governments to partner his ministry in helping regulate illegal migration of workers from the country.
“The state governments should prosecute fraudulent recruiting and travel agents with the efficient use of the state police,” Ravi said inaugurating the third annual consultation meeting with the state governments.
The two-day event will deliberate on various emigration and diaspora-related matters.
The sessions will focus mainly on promotion of overseas employment opportunities by the state governments, creating facilities for skill upgradation and pre-departure orientation and awareness campaigns by state governments in partnership with the overseas Indian affairs ministry.
Grant of voting rights to NRIs, quick redressal of their property-related grievances and tracing the roots and the Know India Programme for the diaspora will also be on the agenda.
“I am happy to say that some of the state governments have taken their own initiatives to control illegal migration,” Ravi said.