New Delhi : President Pratibha Devisingh Patil Friday inaugurated the PanIIT 2010 conclave, with alumni from all the Indian Institutes of Technology converging for a three-day networking and brainstorming session.
PanIIT is an umbrella organization covering alumni of all Indian Institutes of Technology. Over the years, these conferences have become one of the leading technology summits for business leaders.
This year the PanIIT 2010 Global Conference focuses on good governance, knowledge based economy, entrepreneurial, innovative, equivalent and happy society.
Speaking to delegates through a video message, President Patil said: “The theme of your conclave, Sustainable Transformation: Our New India, is very relevant to the changes taking place around us.”
“I am happy to know that you are going to deliver it on the need for better quality of life in the society, environment sustainability and to the imperative of developing low carbon technologies,” she added.
There are currently 15 IITs in the country, with nine new ones being added over the last two years. The eight new IITs have been started in Ropar (2008), Bhubaneswar (2008), Gandhinagar (2008), Hyderabad (2008), Patna (2008), Jodhpur (2008), Mandi (2009) and Indore (2009).
IT BHU (Banaras Hindu University) is also to be upgraded as an Indian Institute of Technology.
This year’s conclave will attract coincides with the golden jubilee year of IIT Delhi and IIT Kharagpur.
“Government is undertaking various schemes and initiatives which should lead to the creation of a new India. Your expertise and deliberations at this conclave can help chart out ways in which capacity building and delivery mechanisms in many of these initiatives can be implemented,” said the President.