By Mohd. Ismail Khan,,
Hyderabad: Amid strong protest from the BJP and Telangana Advocates Joint Action Committee, the former Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court, Justice Nisar Ahmad Kakru assumed charge as Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Human Rights Commission (APSHRC) on Thursday afternoon (22nd Dec.)
The post was vacant for more than one-and-a half years after the retirement of B. Subahshan Reddy. Justice Kakru took over from in-charge chairman Kakumanu Pedaperi Reddy.
Given the protests, Justice Kakru is being provided a ‘Z’ category security. He arrived at the APSHRC office amid tight security, with his own police escort and additional force of CRPF and local police was also posted near the APSHRC office.
This heavy security was deployed in view of the opposition from the BJP and pro-Telangana advocates unions Their main contention was justice Nisar Ahmad Kakru who hails from Jammu and Kashmir is unaware of Telugu language, thus he will not be able to do justice with his job, because majority of the pleadings will be going to be in the local language i.e. Telugu. One more important reason for their resentment against his appointment was that in his capacity as the chief justice of Andhra Pradesh high court justice Kakru had given many judgments against Telangana agitations and Bandhs and often denied permission to hold rallies and protests. Annoyed pro-Telangana advocates allege that Mr. Kakru will show the same bias on the human rights violation cases pending before SHRC which was happened during the Telangana agitation.
Justice Kakru is going to hold office for a period of five years. On the first day of office he heard few cases and adjourned them to a later date. Justice Kakru is going to have tough challenge ahead as the chairman of the APSHRC which has a large number of pending cases.
His name was proposed unanimously by a high level committee comprising the Chief Minister, Leader of the Opposition in the assembly, Assembly Speaker, Chairman of the Legislative Council and the Home Minister. Justice Kakru had retired as the chief justice of A.P. high court in October this year.