Mubarak should see the writing on the wall: India


New Delhi : In a subtle suggestion that President Hosni Mubarak should step down, India said Egypt’s rulers should see the ‘writing on the wall’ as it hoped that ‘sane, rational and pluralistic’ leadership would over power there.

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‘People of Egypt are fairly clear in their thinking and in their action and those who are ruling Egypt must see the writing on the wall,’ pti reported quoting External Affairs Minister S M Krishna as said in an interview.

‘It will be in the larger interest of the region and in the larger interest of our bilateral relationship that the leadership is taken over by a sane, rationalist, pluralistic leadership which will be of benefit to the people of Egypt and our bilateral relationship,’ Krishna said in reply to a question.

Noting that India was closely monitoring the developments in Egypt which is witnessing mass movement against Mubarak, he did not rule out the possibility of Muslim Brotherhood, a group opposing Mubarak, coming to power in the country.

Asked to comment on an opinion that the developments in Egypt may also affect Pakistan the minister said India will have to wait and see how the situation emerges and then take a position.

‘India believes in democracy, we believe in democratic values, we believe in the rule of law and we believe that other countries should also respect the wishes of the people,’ he said.