Pakistani girl films grisly murder of her lover


Islamabad : A jilted Pakistani girl, who orchestrated the murder of her 20-year-old lover, had filmed the gruesome act on her mobile phone as two of her associates hacked his body into pieces after stabbing him to death, police said.

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Fresh evidence shows that Kamran’s murder was more gruesome than previously thought.

Seventeen-year-old Maira Maryam claimed that Kamran had trapped her in love to fulfil his sexual appetite and later dumped her. But when he began offering her to his friends, she could not tolerate it and decided to kill him.

Investigators told the Express Tribune that pictures of Kamran’s dismembered body were found on her mobile phone and in the laptop of one of the suspects, Umair Ali Khan.

“The pictures show Umair chopping off Kamran’s hands after stabbing him to death,” said a police official.

It was unclear why they had captured the evidence on camera. Police suspect that the girl’s anger may have clouded her judgment.

Maryam managed to win the sympathy of Umair, a cousin of Kamran, and planned the murder together.

She bought two bullets and was looking for a pistol, but Umair convinced her to let him kill Kamran, police said.

On Dec 20 last year, Umair, along with Muhammad Lateef and Hasnat, called the victim to a spot near Shakarparian in Islamabad, tempting him with a girl.

Hasnat stood watch outside, while Umair and Lateef took him into a forest and killed him.
Maira, who was already there, took pictures of the gruesome act.

They were arrested Feb 10 after Kamran’s phone calls traced the police to them.

Police could not find the victim’s jacket and shoes from the site. But the boy’s family had been informed about the murder.

“The suspects confessed to bringing knives and choppers in a bag which suggests they had planned to dispose of the body with the help of these tools,” said a police official.

Police are still searching for Kamran’s body while his family anxiously waits for his burial.

“They are shifting the blame of disposing the body on each other. They are not revealing the location where they dumped his remains,” said a police official.

After dumping his body, the suspects uploaded the images on Umair’s laptop.

On Monday, Umair tried to commit suicide at the Aabpara Police Station by hanging himself from the ceiling of the lockup with a rope but an official intervened on time.